What is so special about dotwork tattoos?
Dotwork is a new trend entering the tattoo world, which describes the unique technique of tattooing and has recently gained popularity. Derived from impressionism, black dots are strung together to form shapes and lines. This style is especially suitable for detailed patterns, ornaments and mandalas.
The technology
Essential for dotwork tattoos is the correct technique, which requires a lot of experience and skill on the part of the tattoo artist. The appropriate art for itself, is the completely correct Aneinandersetzen of the points. So the regular spacing of dots is most important, because if the spacing is too small, the dots blur into each other over the years. Each dot must be neatly in the right place, because even the smallest deviations are immediately noticeable. So a lot of precision and patience is required.
This method is unique in the field of shading and brings realism to life in its own way. Amazing shading is possible, but it is usually limited as the dots are deliberately foregrounded. It is still possible to create entire sleeves in a dotwork style, although several sessions are required due to the time involved.
Tattoos that are stitched in the Dotwork style do not describe the motifs, but rather the shading of these with dots of varying size and intensity. Thus, dotwork can be combined with many different tattoo styles, such as Blackwork or Geometric, but it is most often combined with Black and Grey.
Just like the Watercolor style, Dotwork breaks traditions by usually not stitching outlines or continuous lines. The individual dots in this style replace the colors of other tattoos, creating depth and realism. Therefore, black and gray color, rarely red, are used to achieve the unique effect.
For a more graphic style, a combination of dots and lines is possible, such as with mandala tattoos. These are particularly popular in combination with dotwork, and are especially popular with women. The patterns, which have been considered spiritual symbolism for thousands of years, are nowadays stitched detached from their actual meanings for pure aesthetics. Traditionally, mandalas were understood as art or henna tattoos, not tattoos until now. These consist of a contour line filled with dots, and are always centered on a focal point. Because of the outlines that are stitched here, the tattoos are more long lasting. Because of these geometric shapes, it is also important to decide on the body part, because the symmetry emanating from it should definitely be considered.
Stick and Poke
Since dotwork is stitched one dot at a time, some tattoo artists put their tattoo machine aside as it is not the best tool when it comes to these tattoos. Some artists are even convinced that the so-called "hand poking" in the case allows more precise work. However, with the increased popularity of tattoo machines, hand poking tattoos have often been labeled as homemade and associated with a lower quality. In the hands of a professional, however, very detailed tattoos can be stitched with this dotwork-style method.
Basically, any motif can be transformed into a dotwork tattoo if it does not involve too much detail. The shading is extensive due to the unique technique, but come to their limits here. Generally, dotwork tattoos can be used on any part of the body, but they are not suitable for cover-ups.
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