The mirror of the soul
The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they say. And there is a reason for that. Because the eyes are very important to express feelings. We look people in the eyes to see how they are doing. Because the eyes are so important for human communication, we also notice immediately if there is something different about the eyes than we are used to. If the whites of our eyes are colored, as in an eyeball tattoo, it naturally has a particularly whimsical and intense effect on us.
How does it work?
Many are probably wondering, is this real? Yes, in fact it is possible to tattoo the white color in the eyes. Whereby tattooing is not quite the right expression, because it is pricked with a syringe about 40 times in the eye and color is brought uncontrolled between the conjunctiva and sclera of the eye. That is why no motifs are possible here, only coloured areas.
The pricking into the eye is described as more painful than normal tattoos on the skin and also the feeling of foreign bodies in the eye can remain permanently. There is also no way to remove this color in the eye again, so it should be really well thought out to make such a change in itself.
Something very special, but dangerous...
Even in the world of tattoos, eyeball tattoos are quite extravagant and rare. There are only a few tattoo artists worldwide who dare to do this procedure. This type of tattoo was invented in 2007 by US tattoo artist Luna Cobra. According to his own statement, he has never had any problems with any customer. But even he is aware that there are inexperienced tattoo artists who dare too quickly to this risky intervention in the most sensitive organ of the body.
How high is the risk?
The risk with this new way of tattooing is not yet even foreseeable, because there are no people who walk around for decades with such a tattoo. However, not only the possible long-term damage is a problem, but also allergic reactions to the color or infections in the eye. In the worst case, these can even lead to blindness.
Therefore, you should be aware that such a tattoo can have worse consequences than other tattoos and maybe it is a better idea to look for a free spot on the rest of the body first.
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