How to recognize good and bad tattoo artists
New tattoo idea, but no studio in sight? We tell you the most important attributes that you need to consider when looking for a good tattoo artist.
As they say, hygiene is the be-all and end-all. Of course, this is also true in a good tattoo studio. So there should be no skimping on disinfectant, disposable gloves and disposable razors. A certain basic cleanliness in the entire studio plays here of course also a decisive role. Because if the furniture in the entrance area is full of dust and the floor is dirty, you can assume that the back corners, where the tattoo craft takes place, are also not the cleanest. For good tattoo artists, there is no question at all about whether or not they put on gloves while getting their tattoos done. These are changed at every interruption, such as touching a phone. Emphasis is placed on disposable when choosing a razor and also the needle is packed before the session begins and is re-opened for the customer and then disposed of. All instruments, as well as the entire work area, are sterilized and cleaned after each treatment so that no residue from the previous client can be found. If you have the feeling that your chosen studio does not comply with these requirements, it is time to leave the shop, because hygiene has absolute priority for a good tattoo artist.
The feel-good factor also plays a big role in the search for a good tattoo artist. Friendliness and respect brings every good tattoo artist, as well as the willingness to point out all risks and uncertainties. Especially if you do not have a clear idea of your new tattoo, good studios will help you and make creative suggestions, whose change requests on your part should not be a problem. If you do not feel understood or are even treated condescendingly, the seriousness of the studio can be questioned and you should rather look around further.
This goes out to all kids, under 18: Stay away from studios that don't want to see parental consent forms or don't even ask for age in the first place. It is not only illegal, but also absolutely unserious and shows how much the studio disregards laws and rules.
A good studio charges reasonable prices for a tattoo. In the tattoo scene often applies: the more expensive, the better. So be careful with studios that offer you even the smallest tattoo for under 50 €. Alone the color, the material and the hourly wage are not covered by a lower price.
Nowadays, all good tattoo artists and studios represent themselves through an online profile on Instagram, Facebook or their own website. Of course, you want to check out the tattoo artist's previous work first to compare your own ideas to their past work. Remember, artists stay true to their style and usually specialize in styles. However, thanks to social media and MyTattoo.com, it's never been easier to compare studios and their work to find your perfect tattoo artist.
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