As the day of your tattoo appointment approaches, you're bound to be a little excited and wondering how best to prepare for your appointment and what to keep in mind.
The choice of motif you should have discussed best already before with your tattoo artist. Either you have a precise idea and try to describe this to the tattoo artist or you trust the tattoo artist and leave him artistic freedom in the implementation of the idea. Both can be the right way, but you should feel absolutely comfortable with the implementation, because you will wear the motif on your skin for life.
Important for a good healing and thus for the best result of the tattoo is that you have planned in the days after no vacation in the blazing sun, a sauna stay, swimming or extreme sports. All of these things soften your skin and can cause the ink to wash out. Also, heavy sweating will cause skin injuries to become infected more quickly. You should also avoid working in a dirty environment or doing very strenuous work right after your appointment.
The tattoo artist will, of course, disinfect you thoroughly at the appropriate place before the stitching. Nevertheless, it is important that you have showered before the appointment and wear clean clothes to create optimal hygienic conditions. Comfortable clothes are also an advantage. After all, you will probably be tattooed for several hours and should feel comfortable. Also, when choosing your clothes, make sure that the area to be tattooed is easy to reach.
You do not have to prepare your skin in particular. However, it is recommended, for example, very dry skin, the place on the days before the appointment with a normal cream or lotion to care. You should not shave the area, as this can lead to skin irritation. Better and absolutely usual is that the tattoo artist does this directly before the stitching. Very unpleasant when tattooing and a great burden for the skin is a sunburn. Therefore, you should avoid lying in the blazing sun before the appointment.
Do you feel not quite healthy, maybe have a cold or even a little fever? Then postpone the appointment in any case. When you get a tattoo, your body is injured and has to regenerate afterwards, so you should only get tattooed if you are in the best of health. If you have diabetes, allergies or a contagious disease such as HIV, you absolutely have to tell your tattoo artist. He will be able to tell you if this is a problem or not. You should not take blood thinning medications such as aspirin and other painkillers or diabetes medications before your appointment. If you are taking blood thinning medication, talk to your doctor about whether it is possible to stop taking it for about 24 hours. All drugs and alcohol are also a no-go. Even too much caffeine can thin your blood, sponging the colour out of your skin.
On the day it is, it's best to be well-rested. Because stress and sleep deprivation can lead to a more intense pain sensation. In addition, it is not too uncommon that during tattooing sometimes the circulation does not quite cooperate. Therefore you should have eaten and drunk something and feel as fit as possible when you go to the appointment. Having some glucose, juice, fruit or a piece of chocolate with you is always a good idea anyway ;-)
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