If you want to be beautiful, you have to suffer. Each of us has heard this saying at least a dozen times. And somehow there is something to it. Whether it's losing weight or getting a tattoo - suffering is the order of the day. But even though everyone knows that getting a tattoo (about 130 stitches per second!) causes pain, millions of people are driven to the studio over and over again. They can't possibly all be masochists! And besides, the pain doesn't seem to be as brutally inhumane as some people make it out to be. Or your parents want you to believe, to finally drive these nonsense out of your head...
How much what hurts where, depends on the individual pain perception of the person to be tattooed. Basically, you can already assume that you have to calculate more "agony" in places where the skin is thinner and the bone is directly underneath. In other words: It hurts more on the ribs (here both are true) or on the inside of the upper arm towards the armpit (very thin skin) than for example on the other side of the upper arm or on the calf. After all, tendons and muscles are interwoven with nerves and are therefore more sensitive than areas where the fat forms a buffer. Below you'll see a brief compilation of body sites that we've assigned to four categories of pain. This is based on the experiences of tattooed people, but in view of the individuality of each person, it is still no guarantee.
Little pain: wrist, calf, ankle, forearm, outer upper arm Some pain: shoulder, upper back, front thigh More pain: elbow, back thigh, chest, knee Much pain:Head, neck, inner upper arm, armpit, lower back, middle back, butt, inner thigh, back of knee, ribs, foot, ear, lip, abdomen, hip, hand, finger, genitals
In order to keep the pain as bearable as possible and to be able to look forward to your appointment and relax, you should prepare yourself well. Avoid stress and apply cream to your skin regularly days before, but not on the day of the appointment itself. Do not drink coffee, alcohol or take drugs before your appointment. After the appointment, avoid direct sun contact for four weeks and do not go to the swimming pool or sauna. You can find more helpful tips for the care of your tattoo in our article "Wrap your tattoo in foil".
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