A look at the people
In the second part of the tattoo records we turn our eyes specifically to the people who are record holders in their categories. Extreme body art in a very personal way.
The most tattooed man in the world
Lucky Diamond Rich, real name Gregory Paul Mclaren, adorns 100% of his body with tattoos. Yet he says of himself that he has only one tattoo. In fact, the New Zealand native is adorned with multiple layers of tattoos, so his entire body is covered in black ink. Even inside his ears and between his toes, there's not a speck of skin showing through. Over this wide black, he has additionally had patterns stitched with white paint, and then colored them with other colors as well. It is questionable whether anyone will ever dispute his title, because more than the whole body is not possible.
The most tattooed woman in the world
Only 5% of Julia Gnuse's skin surface is not yet tattooed. Due to a rare metabolic disease called porphyria, the Californian's skin reacts allergically to sunlight. Her skin forms blisters and scars. Advice to tattoo the scars the same color as her skin failed. Subsequently, another doctor advised her to get a tattoo to cover up the unsightly scars. Since she liked tattooing so much, she got more and more motifs engraved, so that she became known as the "illustrated woman" and has held the record of women since 2011.
Most Insect & Bone Tattoos
Rick Genest is all about "the art of decay". The Canadian, also known as "Zombie Boy", became famous through Lady Gaga's music video "Born this Way" and has since enriched the world as a tattoo model and artist. With 176 insects and 139 bones, he has held the records in these very categories since 2011.
The oldest person to get a tattoo
You're never too old to try something new! That's probably exactly what Jack Reynolds from Chesterfield thought when he got his first tattoo shortly after his 104th birthday.
The most tattooed pensioners in the world
The so-called "Leopard Man" covers his body with 99.9% leopard skin pattern. Formerly known as the most tattooed man in the world, Tom Leppard was able to enjoy the new title in 2007. With 93% ink under her skin, Brit Isobel Varley holds the record among women. Only the face of the 75-year-old has had to do without tattoos so far.
The person with the most tattooed puzzle pieces
Paul Lawrence, also known as "The Enigma", wears 2,123 puzzle pieces under his skin. A true work of art, which the actor, musician and performer has immortalized on his body.
The couple with the most tattoos & piercings
They say love goes through the stomach, but love can connect through so much more! That's exactly what couple Victor and Gabi prove, as they are world record holders at the top of love relationships with the most tattoos and piercings. Because they have numerous of them, as well as various body modifications. Hardly any place is not tattooed, so that even their own eyeballs were not stopped. It quickly becomes clear: The list of their body jewelry is long and far from the end.
The woman with the most piercings
In January 1997 Elaine Davidson got pierced for the first time. However, it did not remain long, because soon afterwards followed so several piercings more. The Brazilian has since then never stopped and can not even answer how many piercings she now wears on the body. How could she, when there are always new ones? Officially, she has been pierced 6005 times since the 2000s, according to the Guinness Book of Records. There are hardly any parts of her body that have not been pierced by a needle, so that the total weight of her body jewellery is estimated at about three kilograms. With this distinctive appearance, she now works as a fortune teller in the "Tropical Rainbow Paradise Shop" in Edinburgh.
The man with the most piercings
Rolf Buchholz from Germany has held the current record since 2012, when he registered 453 piercings, about a fifth of which were on his lips alone. Piercings are not his only passion, however, because he has also had 561 body modifications done. The world-recognized record holder is also adorned with implants and numerous tattoos that cover almost the entire surface of his body. Probably the only piercing that he has not had (so far) is a septum.
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