A tattoo of past relationships, youthful sins or popular trends of the time can quickly become a hated and unsightly souvenir that not even a cover-up can save. Then there is only one solution: to remove the tattoo with the help of a laser. With the following tips, nothing stands in the way of a successful and safe tattoo removal.
#1 Professionals
It should be clear that a tattoo removal should only be performed by absolute professionals such as dermatologists. For this speak pretty much all factors, such as the occurring pain, a fast and good healing and a beautiful result. There are also no compromises to be made and the bank balance should be disregarded. The sitewww.doc-tattooentfernung.com brings light into the darkness of the tattoo removal scene and helps to find a specialist in your area.
#2 Costs
As already mentioned, a tattoo removal is not an inexpensive treatment and can, depending on the size, color intensity and age of the tattoo, be delayed over several sessions, which can quickly increase the cost to several hundred euros. The type of laser and the length of each treatment are other factors that play a role in the final bill.
#3 Duration
Large and bold tattoos require multiple sessions that can span periods of up to two years. A single session usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes. There is a 6-12 week break between each session to allow the skin time to heal and for the immune system to clear the ink particles. Taking a long break and taking good care of the skin between treatments enhances healing and a quick result. In addition, patients reported having better results with a whole-body healing process in the form of drinking plenty of fluids, eating healthy, and exercising.
#4 Pain
It should go without saying that laser tattoo removal is no walk in the park. The laser penetrates up to 4.5 millimeters deep into the skin and bursts the ink, which is then removed and excreted by the body. Swelling and bleeding are not uncommon. Many compare the pain to that of a rubber band repeatedly snapping against the skin. Others say it feels like small pinpricks, similar to getting a tattoo. If desired and highly sensitive to pain, the affected areas can also be numbed beforehand or downplayed with cold air systems or cool packs.
#5 Result
Despite the pain and high cost, you can never be completely sure that a tattoo will disappear 100%. Important factors here are the colors used in the stinging and the type of tattoo artist. Professionals usually use more ink and pierce deeper into the skin. Amateurs, on the other hand, often use carbon-based inks that are easier to remove. Also, very old tattoos are quicker and easier to remove because tattoo artists back then usually didn't use tattoo ink, but knew how to use ink, other artist supplies and pigment mixes to help themselves. In terms of color, black designs are considered the best tattoos to remove. Colors such as yellow, white or purple, however, are rather critical and complicate the removal guarantee.
Finally, a little instruction from the MyTattoo.com team with a sentence that I'm sure most people have heard before: Think twice about your tattoo! We are friends of tattoos and absolute fans of body art. Nevertheless, we would also like to mention once that a tattoo should not be an action according to the daily mood and state of mind. The decision for or against a tattoo must be well and long considered. This will save you unnecessary costs, pain and time, which belong to each tattoo removal.
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