Fresh tattoos need special attention so that they heal quickly and do not fade prematurely. There are a few things to keep in mind when caring for your tattoo. We tell you what is important in the first days and weeks after the sting.It's done: Your dream tattoo is finally under your skin. So that you have something from your new tattoo as quickly and long as possible, it is now important to care for the work of art carefully. Directly after tattooing, the care of the tattoo is particularly important. Therefore, the tattoo artist sends you home with a disinfected, creamed and wrapped in foil. This foil should be removed at the earliest after three hours - but at the latest after one day. Afterwards, the fresh tattoo can be carefully rinsed with lukewarm water. If you don't want to do without cleaning lotion, you should use ph-neutral and skin-friendly soap. Dab the area carefully with a lint-free towel. In order to promote wound healing, the area should also be creamed at least twice a day. Important: Always wash your hands before cleaning and applying cream to prevent bacteria from getting into the wound. And even if it itches: never pick at the scab. This not only slows down the healing process, but can also remove paint particles.
Depending on the size of your tattoo, healing can take anywhere from three weeks to three months. During this time you should maintain the care routine. After a few days, a fine protective layer forms on the skin. Nevertheless, you should continue to take good care of your tattoo. This also includes avoiding direct sunlight in this area. Visits to the swimming pool and sauna are taboo, at least for the first 14 days, as chlorinated water and excessive sweating can impair wound healing. Too tight clothing can rub on the fresh tattoo. It is better to use loose clothing and comfortable fabrics for the first few days. For the cream of the new tattoo are suitable wound and healing ointments from the pharmacy or special tattoo care products. Who is unsure which care is right, can be advised by his tattoo artist.
Tip: If, despite all precautions, you still experience swelling, redness or other skin irritations, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms could indicate an allergic reaction or inflammation of the wound.
Long-term tattoo care
With the healing of the new tattoo, however, the care is not yet finished. UV protection: Even months after the studio visit, it remains important to protect the tattoo from direct UV radiation. This has a negative effect on the color pigments under the skin. Before sunbathing, always apply a good cream - preferably with a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor. Skin care: Tattooed skin areas are usually more sensitive than other parts of the body and therefore require special care. It can therefore not hurt to regularly apply moisturizing cream. This will not only prevent your skin from drying out, but the colours of your tattoo will also shine longer and the post-tattoo appointment can at least be delayed.
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